My knees ache and I have whisk-elbow. Oh the injuries I will sustain for my craft! I jest. It was merely a long day of cooking and teaching. Just after rolling out of bed this morning, I mixed up the dough for the Garlic Buns, a double recipe mind you. While it rose I mashed up the roasted garlic that I made last night. I made them smaller than the last time so to better accompany their respective meatball.
So far so good. After the rolls were done baking, I split two eggplants and put them in the oven to roast for about an hour.
When these were done, I scooped out their now-soft innards and mashed them up with half a head of the roasted garlic, lemon juice, salt, black pepper, and homemade tahini (sesame paste). Yes, I made tahini from scratch. The baba ghanouj just wouldn't taste right without it. Roast a handful of sesame seeds in a dry frying pan for a few minutes. Toss them in your mortar along with some salt and a smidgen of olive oil, then mash away! It worked pretty well and was wonderfully fragrant.
The last bit on my agenda today was to make the puddings for the dessert. Part of my inspiration, and the recipe for the vanilla base of the banana pudding, comes from the March issue of Gourmet that Anya brought with her in March. I love thumbing through the pages of food magazines, ogling their food photographs and recipes.
So I made the vanilla pudding and the milk chocolate pudding, which are chilling in the refrigerator to be assembled into parfaits along with the candied walnuts tomorrow.
That's all for now folks. Tomorrow is the big day!
My God you eat a lot! You make me laugh!