In case you can't decipher the image, the advertising on today's item reads, "Cool Fashion Need cool Taste. You Are The New Man." I will post the answer in a couple days, so send me your guesses as to what these words are advertising. Good luck!
I see that Hanna and mom have caught on to the best way to guess - completely randomly. It would be a good bet that the chinglish has nothing at all to do with the contents of the package. Now, let me guess "bay leaves".
Uniting the east with the west, bread is common to all world cuisines. Thus, baguettes represent my European roots and baozi, or steamed dumplings, my adopted home in China.
I am starting my second year of doctoral work in English literature. I live in Buffalo, New York with my lovely husband and beautiful dog, tending my pumpkin patch and wishing for a glass slipper.
hannah says mouthwash or toothpaste
I see that Hanna and mom have caught on to the best way to guess - completely randomly. It would be a good bet that the chinglish has nothing at all to do with the contents of the package. Now, let me guess "bay leaves".